Friday 11 September 2009

A gap...

She has taken a little hiatus, both from the blog and from the dating world, as you may have noticed.
Don't take it personally folks, there was a possibly festival-related flu-ness thing going on, which required her to make her signature cocktail of blackcurrent Lemsip, apple squash and Bombay Sapphire.
Somehow she survived both the flu (okay, bad cold. whatever.) and that concoction, and was thrown back into the wonderful world of work, where things have been a bit too busy, it has to be said. Whatever happened to the silly season?
Anyway, she is very, very excited indeed about a trip to Washington DC next Friday, where she is hoping for some SATC (or should that be SADC?) action with a hot American politico. Look, it could happen, okay?? Don't burst her bubble just yet! Stranger things have happened on press trips, after all.
She is also trying to rope Miss H into some dating shenanigans - speed dating with wine tasting, and an indie dating night where everyone brings along their favourite record are the top two contenders at the mo. Any other quirky dating nights you know of? Send them this way!


  1. The quirky dating nights I've heard about involve how to nab a millionaire. Whaaat? Seriously? I would love to go to one of those, just to see what it is all about.

  2. How was the crazy dating in US? did you mean any cute American guys? Or will that be your next blog? x

  3. Sadly not! But there has been a hen weekend and wedding reception since... Will update on those when I get a chance! There was a tiny bit of action, but of the kind that Bridget Jones would experience. Not good! Need to get self out on more dates!
